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Frequently Asked Questions

Infusion and injectable therapies are used to treat a wide range of health conditions from dermatology to inflammatory disorders to cancer and more. For a more exhaustive list of conditions, please take a look here.

Leap is made available to patients through their employer health plan. If your employer already offers Leap as a provider, simply reach out to our Care Guides and we will help you with your care options. If your employer doesn’t currently offer Leap Health, please refer us to your benefits administrator here.

Yes! Leap has providers in all 50 states and can help facilitate care while you are traveling. Simply work with your dedicated Leap Care Guide to schedule your care when and where you are - even while traveling for business or pleasure. 

Yes! If your employer offers Leap Health as a service, then we are covered under your benefit plan.

Leap’s unique cost model allows employers to realize significant specialty drug cost savings by eliminating costly provider margin and bringing transparency to the procurement process.

Leap works with patients to determine the optimal alternate site of care for receiving infusion therapy. For some patients, this can mean the home, a physician’s office, or even a local in-network infusion center. 

Leap’s client services team works directly with employers and third-party administrators to ensure optimal workflows and data sharing for member engagement. Additionally, Leap provides employee-facing materials, supports open enrollment employee education sessions.